Saturday, April 4, 2009

In-Adequate Exposure of Political leaders nationally or globally

International Exposure of Political leaders is the need of the hour. Especially in states like Kerala, where the level of education among the leaders is adequately high. Education alone cannot help you make right decisions you need exposure, and exposure to good governance. Being the most educated state in the country we have the lowest economic development. It is fact that our current leaders are not able to imbibe anything new into the system or even into their own party worker.

 Why are Malayalees outside doing so well? Why are they so hardworking outside? Why do they support working 24x7x365 only outside? Why can’t they do it within?

 It will take a person like Dr. Shashi Tharoor, a Keralite, with immense exposure globally to take on this mammoth task of revolutionizing the Malayalee thought process.

 We the NRK’s living outside Kerala welcome the decision that Dr. Shashi Tharoor took to contest the Lok Sabha elections.  Also that fact that his contesting will open the gates of politics to the young educated and exposed talent for new ideas to transform our society.


  1. Yet, he still represents a upper middle class mentality...look at his answer in Tweeter when he was asked to live a normal man's life! It doesn't surprise me either given the fact that he is unaware of the real problems. It may take a while for such Bureaucrats to live a common man's life. In one sense he is better off, he had spent his own money - unlike any of our politicians! I hope he matures into a human being from a bureaucrat and not a classical Indian Politician. If he uses his live experience across the world and if he has learned well we can expect a better politician eventually.
