Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bail Out - The magical new Bizz Word

Bail Out - or rather "Bail me out" is the magical new Bizz Phrase in 2009. From the eyes of the common man, this phrase means - When a business belonging to top industrialists loose money, they need more money from the government.

I am not a communist, but why should my money (the common tax payer) be used to pay for their ineffciency and wrong policies.

And a does bail out mean lessons learnt or remorse or change or restructuring?
No... not at all.In what we see around a "Bail out" is a time for celebration and exuberant spending, parties, buying new jets, salary hikes. The sad part is that there are even hefty compensations in millions given to top executives who have achieved the Bail Out from the government not even considering the fact that they are the ones who screwed up... Instead of taking action against them, you reward these fat cats.

Recently, private airlines are crying for Bail Outs. Why? dont they have money or rather huge profits from their group companies which they can use instead of a government bail out? Vijay Malya should use his liquour profits to bail out King fisher not tax payers money.

The real worry is who is going to Bail Out the world's millions, the poor, the actual deserving, the starving and the dying.

Will any government or G8 hold a summit to discuss possibilites of saving the dying or feeding the poor? Will any opposition walk out for the cause of the poor. Will any of the world presidents or heads of states meet up to discuss anything other than finance or millitary or nuclear or sanctions.