I love 2008-2009… What’s suddenly happening? Indians are winning Gold at Olympics, winning at the Oscars, Indian companies going ahead and acquiring other firms abroad. Yes, we are getting into the main league. I feel the same way as Americans felt when Obama was sworn in.
A very discouraging article in Yahoo, “It shouldn't have won” by some Sandipan Deb (http://in.news.yahoo.com/48/20090224/1241/top-it-shouldn-t-have-won.html) prompted me to write this.
I have always loved AR’s serene music and had no doubt that one day he’ll make it to the top. But when less famous Resul Pookutty went up there and said "my country and my civilisation", I could feel my blood boil with pride. He went on to add “This is not a sound award but a piece of history being handed down to him” and I can’t agree better on his choice of words. Yes, truly it was history in the making. At least now, I hope the world will see that there are many talented technicians, artists and film makers who currently work with barely no new technology can do lots more with some international recognition and support.
No matter how insignificant this may seem to some; this is indeed historic and will remain as “happy prologues to the swelling act of the imperial theme”.
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